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Showing posts from July, 2020

चिकन बिरयानी केसे बनिये

एक आसान तरीका है  पर स्वादिष्ट बिरयानी बनाने के लिए 🏘 सामग्री : 1 किलो अच्छी गुणवत्ता वाली बासमती चावल   • 800 ग्राम मध्यम आकार के चिकन के टुकड़े। • बरिस्ता या तला हुआ प्याज के 2 कप। • साबुत मसाले (एक 4 इंच दालचीनी की छड़ी, 5 हरी इलायची, 5 लौंग, 8 काली मिर्च, एक चुटकी काला जीरा या शाही जीरा और एक गदा या जिट्री का आधा हिस्सा)। • नमक और चीनी। • 2 चम्मच गर्म लाल मिर्च पाउडर। • 4 चम्मच बिरयानी मसाला। • ताजा अदरक लहसुन का पेस्ट 3 चम्मच। • चुटकी भर हल्दी। • 3 मध्यम आकार के आलू। • 4 कठोर उबले अंडे। • गर्म दूध और 100 ग्राम खोया खेर •  एक  चुटकी केसर या केसरी रंग • केवड़ा पानी के 2 चम्मच। • 1 लीटर गुलाब जल। • मिता एटर की 2 बूंदें • • 1 कप तेल। • 4 चम्मच घी  चिकन चिकन:  सबसे पहले, चिकन को मैरीनेट करें और दो घंटे के लिए छोड़ दें। चिकन को मैरीनेट करने के लिए, पहले, मुर्गियों को अच्छी तरह से धोना होगा। चिकन को मैरीनेट करने के लिए, पहले, मुर्गियों को अच्छी तरह से धोना होगा। फिर एक कटोरे में चिकन लें और उसमें 150 ग्राम खट्टा दही, नमक, दो बड़े चम्मच...

The best books will help you to success in WBCS

The best books will help you to success in WBCS    Here are the best books which help areyou to success  in WBCS Indian Polity - For Civil Services and Other State Examinations | 6th Edition Paperback – 27 December 2019 by M. Laxmikanth  (Author) 4.6 out of 5 stars    2,077 ratings #1 Best Seller in Exams by UPSC    See all formats and editions • Kindle Edition ₹ 406.60Read with Our Free App   • Paperback ₹ 542.00  5 New from ₹ 542.00 Delivery By: Friday, Aug 7 Details   Amazon Delivered The book "Indian Polity", 6th edition is a must-read for the aspirants appearing for the Civil Services Examinations as well as the other state Services Examinations. It is conceived to cater to the requirements of not just students appearing for competitive examinations but also postgraduates, research scholars, academics and General readers who are interested in the country political, Civil and constitutional issues. The extant chapters have b...

rakhi in india 2021

Amazing Rakhi with Amazon Happy Raksha Bandhan Raksha Bandhan is a day for brothers and sisters to reaffirm their bonds of affection. It is observed by the Hindus in northern India and by both Hindus and Buddhists in Nepal, where members of both religions often celebrate in each other's temples. Sisters tie colorful threads or amulets (see RAKHI ) on their brothers' wrists and put dots of vermilion paste on their brothers' foreheads while praying for them to live a long life. Brothers, in turn, give their sisters gifts-usually a piece of jewelry or clothing, or perhaps some money-while promising to protect them throughout their lives. In families where there are only boys or only girls, a friend or relative is asked to act as a brother or sister during the festival. During the Mahabharata, it is believed that Draupadi tied a rakhi on Krishna’s wrist when he had injured his finger while using his Sudarshan chakra against the king Shishupalal. While Krishna’s hand was bleedin...

How to make a chocolate cake by happy happy biscuit without microwave

How to make a chocolate cake by happy happy biscuits without a microwave. Welcome to a world of cake recipes that complement and complete your occasions. It is magical how a simple cake recipe blended with your love and care makes a moment more memorable. Be it for a birthday, anniversary, or a casual sweet indulgence, our cake recipes are here for you. For all those who wonder how to make a cake, check out the easy cake recipes. Let's see Ingredients     1. 6 packets Happy Biscuits 2. 1 1/2 cup boiled milk 3. 1 1/2 sugar 4. 1/2 tsp baking powder 5. 1 pct. Eno 6. For the chocolate sauce: 7. 200 ml of boiled milk 7.4 packets boast powder (Rs.5 each) Step1 Add salt into the cooker and put a wire rack or a bowl. Preheat the cooker for 10 minutes besides the whistle on a medium flame. Step2 Add completely happy biscuits and sugar in a blender and grind them finely. Step3 Take a mixing bowl and add grind biscuits, sugar, baking powder, and eno. Then add milk little with t...